Quick Install

We recommend creating a new environment with Python 3.10.

conda create -n kaldo python=3.10

and enable the environment

conda activate kaldo
conda install pip

kALDo installation can be done using pip

pip install kaldo

Using pip and virtualenv

You can also install kALDO without using conda

pip3 install virtualenv
virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python3 ~/kaldo
source ~/kaldo/bin/activate
pip3 install git+https://github.com/nanotheorygroup/kaldo

Development mode

The best way to run examples, tests and to develop kaldo is to follow the quick install procedure, and add the following extra steps.

pip uninstall kaldo
mkdir ~/develoment
cd ~/development
git clone https://github.com/nanotheorygroup/kaldo
export PYTHONPATH=~/development/kaldo:$PYTHONPATH

If you followed the steps in the quickstart and then uninstall kaldo, you will have all the dependencies correctly installed. The next lines are pulling the repo from Github and adding it to the PYTHONPATH.

If you want to make the last change in the PYTHONPATH permanent, you can also run

echo "export PYTHONPATH=~/development/kaldo:$PYTHONPATH" >> ~/.bashrc