
The ForceConstants class creates objects that store the system information and load (or calculate) force constant matrices (IFCs) to be used by an instance of the Phonon class. This is normally the first thing you should initialize when working with kALDo and we’ll walk you through how to do that in the following sections on this page. Initializing a ForceConstants object will also initialize SecondOrder and ThirdOrder containers that you can access as attributes. Refer to the section on Loading Precalculated IFCs.

Calculating IFCs in kALDo

We use the finite difference approach, or sometimes called the frozen-phonon method. This method neglects temperature effects on phonon frequency and velocities, but it’s a good approximation if your system is far from melting (well-below the Debye Temperature).

The basic idea is we explicitly calculate the change in forces on atoms when they are displaced from their equilibrium and use this to approximate the true derivative of the potential energy at equilibrium. You should keep aim to keep the displacements small, but not so small that the potential you’re using can’t resolve the change in forces. On empirical potentials like Tersoff, you can try pretty small displacements (1e-5 Angstroms) but on more complex potentials like machine learning potentials you may need to use larger displacements (1e-3 Angstroms).

For a system with N atoms, the number of second order IFCs is (3N)^2 but, because each frame returns 3N forces, we only need to calculate \frac{(3N)^2}{3N} = 3N frames. However, the finite difference method uses 2 displacements (+/-) to approximate the derivative so total number is actually 2\times 3N = 6N.

Each term of the third order FCs are calculated with 2 derivatives calculated with 2 displacements, so the total number of frames is 2 \times 2 \times 3N \times 3N = (6N)^2.

Should I use kALDo to calculate my IFCs?

It’s faster to use compiled software like LAMMPS or Quantum Espresso to generate the IFCs when possible. However, if your system is small ( hundreds to a few thousand atoms ), it may be tractable to calculate them here. The following are some general cases where you could calculate it all here without a significant performance hit:

  • You want to explore the effect of different potentials on only harmonic phonon properties (so no third order needed).

  • Small systems with short ranges of interactions

  • Users have a custom potential (particularly when it can be calculated within python)

  • Systems have no symmetry (which many of the compiled software packages exploit to greatly reduce total calculations)

If you’re not sure, SecondOrder.calculate() prints to stdout the atom its currently working on so run the calculation and stop it after it prints a few atoms. Take the average time per atom and divide by 6 to get the time per frame t_{pf} including overhead of I/O operations, launching tasks, etc. The total times are given by:

t_{2nd Order} = t_{pf} \times {6N}

t_{3rd Order} = t_{pf} \times {6N}^2

Calculation Workflow


Be sure to minimize the potential energy of your atomic positions before calculating the IFCs. The steps here assume you have already done this.

  1. Import required packages which will be kALDo, the ASE calculator you want to use, and either a function to build atoms (like or their read tool (

    from kaldo.forceconstants import ForceConstants
    from import read
    from import bulk
    from ase.calculatos.lammpslib import LAMMPSlib
  1. Create your Atoms, Calculator and ForceConstants object. If you don’t set a “folder” argument for the ForceConstants object the default save location is “displacements”. See the ASE docs for information on their calculators:

    # Create the Atoms object
    atoms = bulk('C', 'diamond', a=3.567)
    # Create the ASE calculator object
    calc = LAMMPSlib(lmpcmds=['pair_style tersoff',
                              'pair_coeff * * SiC.tersoff C'],
                     parameters={'control': 'energy',
                                     'log': 'none',
                                    'pair': 'tersoff',
                                    'mass': '1 12.01',
                                'boundary': 'p p p'},
    # Create the ForceConstants object
    fc = ForceConstants(atoms,
                        supercell=[3, 3, 3],
  2. Now use the “calculate” methods of the second and third order objects by passing in the calculator as an argument. The “delta_shift” argument is how far the atoms move.:

    # Second Order (for harmonic properties - phonon frequencies, velocities, heat capacity, etc.)
    # Third Order (for anharmonic properties - phonon lifetimes, thermal conductivity, etc.)

Try referencing the carbon diamond example to see an example where we use kALDo and ASE to control LAMMPS calculations.


Some libraries, like LAMMPS, can use either a python wrapper (LAMMPSlib) or a direct call to the binary executable (LAMMPSrun). We don’t notice a significant performance increase by using the direct call method, because the bottleneck is the I/O of data back to python. This is part of the reason our examples use the python wrapper, which offers more flexibility without losing access to the full LAMMPS functionality.

Loading Precalculated IFCs

Construct your ForceConstants object by using the from_folder method. The first step of the amorphous silicon example can help you get started. If you’d like to load IFCs into the already-created instances without the from_folder() generate the ForceConstants object and then use the load() method of the SecondOrder and ThirdOrder objects to pull data as needed.


If you just want to check harmonic data first, use the “is_harmonic” argument when creating the ForceConstants object to only load the second order IFCs. This can save considerable amounts of time if, for instance, you just need to generate a phonon dispersion along a new path.

Input Files and Formats

Input Files


Config filename

ASE format

2nd Order FCs

3rd Order FCs
















None [2]








hiphive +




Notes on Formats

API Reference

class kaldo.forceconstants.ForceConstants(atoms, supercell=(1, 1, 1), third_supercell=None, folder='displacement', distance_threshold=None)[source]

A ForceConstants class object is used to create or load the second or third order force constant matrices as well as store information related to the geometry of the system.

  • atoms (Tabulated xyz files or ASE Atoms object) – The atoms to work on.

  • supercell – Size of supercell given by the number of repetitions (l, m, n) of the small unit cell in each direction. Defaults to (1, 1, 1)

  • third_supercell (tuple, optional) – Same as supercell, but for the third order force constant matrix. If not provided, it’s copied from supercell. Defaults to self.supercell

  • folder (str, optional) – Name to be used for the displacement information folder. Defaults to ‘displacement’

  • distance_threshold (float, optional) – If the distance between two atoms exceeds threshold, the interatomic force is ignored. Defaults to None


from_folder(folder[, supercell, format, ...])

Create a finite difference object from a folder

classmethod from_folder(folder, supercell=(1, 1, 1), format='numpy', third_energy_threshold=0.0, third_supercell=None, is_acoustic_sum=False, only_second=False, distance_threshold=None)[source]

Create a finite difference object from a folder

The folder should contain the a set of files whose names and contents are dependent on the “format” parameter. Below is the list required for each format (also found in the api_forceconstants documentation if you prefer to read it with nicer formatting and explanations).

numpy:, second.npy, third.npz eskm: CONFIG,, Dyn.form, THIRD lammps:, Dyn.form, THIRD shengbte: CONTROL, POSCAR, FORCE_CONSTANTS_2ND/FORCE_CONSTANTS, FORCE_CONSTANTS_3RD shengbte-qe: CONTROL, POSCAR, espresso.ifc2, FORCE_CONSTANTS_3RD hiphive:,, model2.fcs, model3.fcs

  • folder (str) – Chosen folder to load in system information.

  • supercell ((int, int, int), optional) – Number of unit cells in each cartesian direction replicated to form the input structure. Default is (1, 1, 1)

  • format ('numpy', 'eskm', 'lammps', 'shengbte', 'shengbte-qe', 'hiphive') – Format of force constant information being loaded into ForceConstants object. Default is ‘numpy’

  • third_energy_threshold (float, optional) – When importing sparse third order force constant matrices, energies below the threshold value in magnitude are ignored. Units: ev/A^3 Default is None

  • distance_threshold (float, optional) – When calculating force constants, contributions from atoms further than the distance threshold will be ignored.

  • third_supercell ((int, int, int), optional) – Takes in the unit cell for the third order force constant matrix. Default is self.supercell

  • is_acoustic_sum (Bool, optional) – If true, the acoustic sum rule is applied to the dynamical matrix. Default is False

Return type:

ForceConstants object