
Building the Phonons class object is the intermediate step between finishing your ForceConstants object, and initializing the Conductivity object. The keyword arguments given to this class help kALDo make the correct approximations regarding the periodicity of your system and the conditions of your material when calculating the thermal conductivity (e.g. temperature of the material).

Periodicity and k-points

The primary way that kALDo handles low-symmetry systems is through the grid of points to sample in reciprocal space, adjusted through the kpts argument. The argument here should be an array or list of three natural numbers, such as (2, 2, 2). You will need to converge the final thermal conductivity of the material against increasingly dense k-grids to ensure the reliability of your calculation. Increasing the number of kpts along a lattice vector is the equivalent to increasing the wavelength of a vibrational normal mode along that axis. See our ref:Basic Concepts section for more details.

Your choice of kpts should strive to sample each direction in reciprocal space equally by scaling the number of points in that direction according to the magnitude of the reciprocal lattice vector. A quick way to do this is by taking the inverse of the magnitude of the real space lattice vector. For a concrete example, imagine a cubic lattice with lengths a_{1} < a_{2} < a_{3}. We know our kpts should roughly follow n_{1} > n_{2} > n_{3}. More specifically, we want to minimize the differences of the following terms:


frac{n_{1}}{a_{1}} approx frac{n_{2}}{a_{2}} approx frac{n_{1}}{a_{1}}

Which leads to us solving a series of inequalities. We will demonstrate the idea here by solving for the bounds on n_{2}, and then using the known relationship between the magnitudes of the lattice vectors to setup an inequality. The result yields:


frac{n_{3} cdot a_{2}}{a_{3}} leq n_{2} leq frac{n_{1} cdot a_{2}}{a_{1}}

The example was given for a sample that’s periodic in each direction, however it will be true for less symmetric samples as well with the modification that you can ignore any direction lacking symmetry. The non-periodic direction should be set to 1, so for amorphous samples the kpts argument should be (1,1,1). For 2D materials, set the out-of-plane direction to 1, and for nanowires use a value greater than 1 for direction along the wire.

Classical Limit

Probably the second most important setting is the is_classic argument. By defaut, kALDo uses the Bose-Einstein distribution to describe the phonon population at a given temperature which assumes quantized energy. The Basic Concepts section will provide more details, however because of this population choice the heat capacity also becomes affected. Close to, or above the Debye Temperature you should switch the is_classic Boolean to True which changes the calculation of mode population to the classical limit as described in the theory section. In general, the heat capacities and scattering will both increase, shortening the lifetimes and increasing the energy per mode

General vs. Case-Specific Arguments

This section is intended to clarify which arguments need to be set for all users, and which should be used in more specific situations. If you are a beginner to intermediate user, avoid the case-specific arguemnts. Advanced users can read more on the details of each case-specific argument in the phonons api section, and in some cases the Basic Concepts section.

API Reference



Calculate the atom projected phonon density of states.



Calculate physical modes.


Calculates the participation ratio of each normal mode.


Calculate the phonons bandwidth, the inverse of the lifetime, for each k point in k_points and each mode.


Calculate the isotopic bandwidth with Tamura perturbative formula.


Calculate the phonons bandwidth, the inverse of the lifetime, for each k point in k_points and each mode.


Calculate phonons frequency

Calculates the angular frequencies from the diagonalized dynamical matrix.


Calculates the velocity using Hellmann-Feynman theorem.


Calculate the heat capacity for each k point in k_points and each mode. If classical, it returns the Boltzmann constant in J/K. If quantum it returns the derivative of the Bose-Einstein weighted by each phonons energy. .. math::.


Calculate the generalized 2d heat capacity for each k point in k_points and each mode.


Calculate the phonons population for each k point in k_points and each mode.


Calculate the 3-phonons-processes phase_space, for each k point in k_points and each mode.


Calculates the eigenvalues of the dynamical matrix in Thz^2.


Calculates the eigenvectors of the dynamical matrix.

class kaldo.phonons.Phonons(forceconstants: ForceConstants, temperature: float | None = None, *, is_classic: bool = False, kpts: tuple[int, int, int] = (1, 1, 1), min_frequency: float = 0.0, max_frequency: float | None = None, third_bandwidth: float | None = None, broadening_shape: str = 'gauss', folder: str = 'data', storage: str = 'formatted', grid_type: str = 'C', is_balanced: bool = False, is_unfolding: bool = False, g_factor: Union[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]], _NestedSequence[_SupportsArray[dtype[Any]]], bool, int, float, complex, str, bytes, _NestedSequence[Union[bool, int, float, complex, str, bytes]]] = None, is_symmetrizing_frequency: bool = False, is_antisymmetrizing_velocity: bool = False, include_isotopes: bool = False, iso_speed_up: bool = True, is_nw: bool = False, **kwargs)[source]

The Phonons object exposes all the phononic properties of a system by manipulation of the quantities passed into the ForceConstant object. The arguments passed in here reflect assumptions to be made about the macroscopic system e.g. the temperature, or whether the system is amorphous or a nanowire. The ForceConstants, and temperature are the only two required parameters, though we highly recommend the switch controlling whether to use quantum/classical statistics (is_classic) and the number of k-points to consider (kpts). For most users, you will not need to access any Phonon object functions directly , but only reference an attribute (e.g. Phonons.frequency). Please check out the examples for details on our recommendations for retrieving, and plotting data.

  • forceconstants (ForceConstants) – Contains all the information about the system and the derivatives of the potential energy.

  • temperature (float) – Defines the temperature of the simulation Units: K

  • is_classic (bool) – Specifies if the system is treated with classical or quantum statistics. Default: False

  • kpts ((int, int, int)) – Defines the number of k points to use to create the k mesh Default: (1, 1, 1)

  • min_frequency (float) – Ignores all phonons with frequency below min_frequency Units: Thz Default: None

  • max_frequency (float) – Ignores all phonons with frequency above max_frequency Units: THz Default: None

  • third_bandwidth (float) – Defines the width of the energy conservation smearing in the phonons scattering calculation. If None the width is calculated dynamically. Otherwise the input value corresponds to the width. Units: THz Default: None

  • broadening_shape (string) – Defines the algorithm to use for line-broadening when enforcing energy conservation rules for three-phonon scattering. Options: gauss, lorentz and triangle. Default: gauss

  • folder (string) – Specifies where to store the data files. Default: output.

  • storage (string) – Defines the strategy used to store observables. The default strategy stores formatted text files for most harmonic properties but relies on numpy arrays for large arrays like the gamma tensor. The memory option doesn’t generate any output except what is printed in your script. Options: default, formatted, numpy, memory, hdf5 Default: ‘formatted’

  • grid_type (string) – Specifies whether the atoms in the replicated system were repeated using a C-like index ordering which changes the last axis the fastest or FORTRAN-like index ordering which changes the first index fastest. Options: ‘C’, ‘F’ Default: ‘C’

  • is_balanced (bool) – Enforce detailed balance when calculating anharmonic properties. Useful for simulations where it may be difficult to get a sufficiently dense k-point grid. Default: False

  • is_unfolding (bool) – If the second order force constants need to be unfolded like in P. B. Allen et al., Phys. Rev. B 87, 085322 (2013) set this to True. Default: False

  • g_factor ((n_atoms) array , optional) – It contains the isotopic g factor for each atom of the unit cell. g factor is the natural isotopic distributions of each element. More reference can be found: M. Berglund, M.E. Wieser, Isotopic compositions of the elements 2009 (IUPAC technical report), Pure Appl. Chem. 83 (2011) 397–410. Default: None

  • is_symmetrizing_frequency (bool, optional) – TODO: add more doc here Default: False

  • is_antisymmetrizing_velocity (bool, optional) – TODO: add more doc here Default: False

  • include_isotopes (bool, optional.) – Defines if you want to include isotopic scattering bandwidths. Default: False.

  • iso_speed_up (bool, optional.) – Defines if you want to truncate the energy-conservation delta in the isotopic scattering computation. Default is True.

  • is_nw (bool, optional) – Defines if you would like to assume the system is a nanowire. Default: False

Return type:

Phonons Object


Calculate the phonons bandwidth, the inverse of the lifetime, for each k point in k_points and each mode.


Calculate the phonons bandwidth, the inverse of the lifetime, for each k point in k_points and each mode.


Calculates the eigenvalues of the dynamical matrix in Thz^2.


Calculates the eigenvectors of the dynamical matrix.


Calculate phonons frequency


Calculate the heat capacity for each k point in k_points and each mode.


Calculate the generalized 2d heat capacity for each k point in k_points and each mode.


Calculate the isotopic bandwidth with Tamura perturbative formula.


Calculates the angular frequencies from the diagonalized dynamical matrix.


Calculates the participation ratio of each normal mode.


Calculate the 3-phonons-processes phase_space, for each k point in k_points and each mode.


Calculate physical modes.


Calculate the phonons population for each k point in k_points and each mode.


Calculates the velocity using Hellmann-Feynman theorem.


pdos([p_atoms, direction, bandwidth, n_points])

Calculate the atom projected phonon density of states.

property physical_mode

Calculate physical modes. Non physical modes are the first 3 modes of q=(0, 0, 0) and, if defined, all the modes outside the frequency range min_frequency and max_frequency.


physical_mode – bool

Return type:

np array(n_k_points, n_modes)

property frequency

Calculate phonons frequency


frequency – frequency in THz

Return type:

np array(n_k_points, n_modes)

property participation_ratio

Calculates the participation ratio of each normal mode. Participation ratio’s represent the fraction of atoms that are displaced meaning a value of 1 corresponds to translation. Defined by equations in DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.53.11469


participation_ratio – atomic participation

Return type:

np array(n_k_points, n_modes)

property velocity

Calculates the velocity using Hellmann-Feynman theorem.


velocity – velocity in 100m/s or A/ps

Return type:

np array(n_k_points, n_unit_cell * 3, 3)

property heat_capacity

Calculate the heat capacity for each k point in k_points and each mode. If classical, it returns the Boltzmann constant in J/K. If quantum it returns the derivative of the Bose-Einstein weighted by each phonons energy. .. math:

c_\mu = k_B \frac{\nu_\mu^2}{ \tilde T^2} n_\mu (n_\mu + 1)

where the frequency \nu and the temperature \tilde T are in THz.


c_v – heat capacity in J/K for each k point and each mode

Return type:

np.array(n_k_points, n_modes)

property heat_capacity_2d

Calculate the generalized 2d heat capacity for each k point in k_points and each mode. If classical, it returns the Boltzmann constant in W/m/K.


heat_capacity_2d – heat capacity in W/m/K for each k point and each modes couple.

Return type:

np.array(n_k_points, n_modes, n_modes)

property population

Calculate the phonons population for each k point in k_points and each mode. If classical, it returns the temperature divided by each frequency, using equipartition theorem. If quantum it returns the Bose-Einstein distribution


population – population for each k point and each mode

Return type:

np.array(n_k_points, n_modes)

property bandwidth

Calculate the phonons bandwidth, the inverse of the lifetime, for each k point in k_points and each mode.


bandwidth – bandwidth for each k point and each mode

Return type:

np.array(n_k_points, n_modes)

property isotopic_bandwidth

Calculate the isotopic bandwidth with Tamura perturbative formula. Defined by equations in DOI:


isotopic_bw – atomic participation

Return type:

np array(n_k_points, n_modes)

property anharmonic_bandwidth

Calculate the phonons bandwidth, the inverse of the lifetime, for each k point in k_points and each mode.


bandwidth – bandwidth for each k point and each mode

Return type:

np.array(n_k_points, n_modes)

property phase_space

Calculate the 3-phonons-processes phase_space, for each k point in k_points and each mode.


phase_space – phase_space for each k point and each mode

Return type:

np.array(n_k_points, n_modes)

property eigenvalues

Calculates the eigenvalues of the dynamical matrix in Thz^2.


eigenvalues – Eigenvalues of the dynamical matrix

Return type:

np array(n_phonons)

property eigenvectors

Calculates the eigenvectors of the dynamical matrix.


eigenvectors – Eigenvectors of the dynamical matrix

Return type:

np array(n_phonons, n_phonons)

property omega

Calculates the angular frequencies from the diagonalized dynamical matrix.


frequency – frequency in rad

Return type:

np.array(n_k_points, n_modes)

pdos(p_atoms=None, direction=None, bandwidth=0.05, n_points=200)[source]

Calculate the atom projected phonon density of states. Total density of states can be computed by specifying all atom indices in p_atoms. p_atoms input format is flexible: - Providing a list of atom indices will return the single pdos summed over those atoms - Providing a list of lists of atom indices will return one pdos for each set of indices


  • frequency (np array(n_points)) – Frequencies

  • pdos (np.array(n_projections, n_points)) – pdos for each set of projected atoms and directions