.. kaldo documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Mar 15 13:55:56 2018. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. .. image:: docsource/_resources/logo.png :width: 400 kALDo: Advanced Thermal Property Predictions via Lattice Dynamics and Machine Learning for Nanoscale Materials. =============================================================================================================== Read the paper on Arxiv_. .. _Arxiv: https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.01967 .. toctree:: :glob: :caption: Introduction :maxdepth: 1 docsource/introduction.ipynb .. toctree:: :glob: :caption: Getting Started :maxdepth: 1 docsource/getting_started.md .. toctree:: :caption: User Guide :maxdepth: 1 docsource/theory.ipynb docsource/user_guide.ipynb .. toctree:: :glob: :caption: Reference :maxdepth: 2 docsource/api_forceconstants docsource/api_phonons docsource/api_conductivity .. toctree:: :glob: :caption: Tutorials and examples :maxdepth: 1 docsource/crystal_presentation.ipynb docsource/amorphous_presentation.ipynb docsource/examples.md .. toctree:: :glob: :caption: Citations :maxdepth: 1 docsource/citations.md publications/readme.md docsource/other_codes.md .. toctree:: :glob: :caption: Developer Guide :maxdepth: 1 docsource/code_architecture.ipynb docsource/contributing.md .. toctree:: :glob: :caption: Acknowledgements :maxdepth: 1 docsource/credits.ipynb .. toctree:: :glob: :caption: License :maxdepth: 1 docsource/license.md Index ===== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`