### How to contribute changes - Clone the repository if you have write access to the main repo, fork the repository if you are a collaborator. - Make a new branch with `git checkout -b {your branch name}` - Make changes and test your code - Ensure that the test environment dependencies (`conda-envs`) line up with the build and deploy dependencies (`conda-recipe/meta.yaml`) - Push the branch to the repo (either the main or your fork) with `git push -u origin {your branch name}` * Note that `origin` is the default name assigned to the remote, yours may be different - Make a PR on GitHub with your changes - We'll review the changes and get your code into the repo after lively discussion! #### Checklist for updates - [ ] Make sure there is an/are issue(s) opened for your specific update - [ ] Create the PR, referencing the issue - [ ] Debug the PR as needed until tests pass - [ ] Tag the final, debugged version * `git tag -a X.Y.Z [latest pushed commit] && git push --follow-tags` - [ ] Get the PR merged in #### Versioneer Auto-version [Versioneer](https://github.com/warner/python-versioneer) will automatically infer what version is installed by looking at the `git` tags and how many commits ahead this version is. The format follows [PEP 440](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0440/) and has the regular expression of: ``` \d+.\d+.\d+(?\+\d+-[a-z0-9]+) ``` If the version of this commit is the same as a `git` tag, the installed version is the same as the tag, e.g. `kaldo-0.1.2`, otherwise it will be appended with `+X` where `X` is the number of commits ahead from the last tag, and then `-YYYYYY` where the `Y`'s are replaced with the `git` commit hash. #### Project template Project template from the [Computational Molecular Science Python Cookiecutter](https://github.com/molssi/cookiecutter-cms).